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  • Writer's pictureMorgan

Get Ready! It Is Time!

Updated: Apr 27, 2023

Photo two children's gardening books

The rain is falling. Trees are budding. The days are longer. The daffodils are blooming! The month of April brings all things green and beautiful!


Spring is finally here after what always seems like such a long winter! Here at the library Echo, W.B., and I have been helping Lucas plan out the different gardens and pots that will be placed around the building.

After a lot of research, we have been working on planting and growing several seeds in our homemade small greenhouses here at the library. Between the three of us, Lucas, and Mel we are taking care of all of the seedlings. They are all growing well and we are excited to share them with you later this spring!

So... you might be wondering, what can you start inside now? If you have not already started your peppers, tomatoes, and eggplant now is the time! We are now entering the last couple of weeks to start any perennial flowers that you want to start indoors.

Here in Illinois you can also start planting some vegetables directly into the ground starting in April. Beets, carrots, leaf lettuce, onion sets, potatoes, radishes, and spinach are considered cold weather crops that can tolerate lower nighttime temperatures. For more specific information, check out the books in the gardening section on the main floor.

Photo of several seed packets in front of the seed library card catalog

You might be thinking, "But Morgan, I do not have any seeds to plant!" Well, the library has you covered! Check this out! The library contains another little library inside its walls! It is called the Seed Library. Located in the Audio/Visual room, the seed library contains seeds that community members and local businesses have donated! You are welcome to drop in and "checkout" up to 10 packets of seed to take home and plant. When harvest time rolls around, collect some seeds from your plants and donate them back to keep the library's collection growing! Grow. Harvest. Share. What a great resource for the experienced gardener or the gardener just starting to get their hands dirty!

Not sure what to grow? We have taken the guesswork out of the equation by offering you some Clever Combos - collections of seeds that have been grouped into special categories for easy planting. Clever Combo categories include Herbs, Tasty Roots, Pizza Mix, and Summer Treats and are available while supplies last! These wonderful little combos can be grown in pots on your patio or deck or you can plant them in your garden plot. These Clever Combos can be found across from the circulation desk on the main floor.

Starting on April 1st, the Grab 'n Go will be Seed Starting in Peat Pots! We are not joking! It is not an April Fool's Day trick! Drop in and grab a seed starting kit to take home! Each kit will include 2 types of seeds, 2 small peat pots, and a bag of soil! Seed starting is a wonderful way to get our little friends involved in the garden. You might even be able to get them to eat their veggies at harvest time!

Speaking of our little friends, join Mel on the Children's Floor on April 17th to decorate and plant your very own Grass Pet to take home! The best part? Once your grass pet grows some wonderful green hair you can cut it in a mohawk or style it in pigtails! How fun! W.B. cannot wait to see what you all come up with! Please remember to call the library to sign up for this fun program! And check out the non-fiction plants section on the Children's Floor for more gardening information.

That is it from the library fairies this month! Spring planting will continue here at the library for the next couple of weeks! Hope you are as excited about all the wonderful things spring has to offer! Check back next week to see what the adult floor displays will showcase for April!

Until next time library friends,

Morgan, the Main Floor Fairy

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