Think spring, think green, and think about the wonderful items the library has on display for the month of March.
As books, DVDs, & Blu-rays are checked out from the displays new ones will be added so drop in and check it out! Or order online by simply clicking on the item that you would like to request! Once you receive notification that your item is in, drop by and pick up your item!
It's Women's History Month, so we have a selection of empowering books
for you to choose from. Over in Audio/Visual we are highlighting women directors.
March is also dedicated to reading ebooks and the library has a display encouraging you to get to know the wide selection of books
that are available through Libby and Hoopla.
Celebrating all things Irish this month, check out these Irish movies.
For Sea Week, we're spending the month highlighting shipwrecks, which is sure to make that vacation cruise look like a good idea.
The Non-fiction subject of the month is Math.